Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 4 of term break

Last night i dreamt about my poly friends celebrating my birthday at entertainment place, i was very happy in the dream as everyone were there.... i even saw my primary school friend hong heng and some other people which i cannot remember liao...

a few nights ago also had a dream about my family, we went on a holiday. In the dream i even had 3 sister. It was weird as i have only 2 sister and yet i didn't realise it in the dream. They were arguing about something in the dream... nonetheless i was glad that i dreamt about family and i miss them... i remember i dream about ah dear also but i cannot remember it liao...

Early in the morning it started to rain heavily....

Wanted to make my breakfast but suddenly got the craving to eat bread, so i put on my jacket and my cap and went to coles... i was wear shorts and slippers and my whole leg is drench... then moment i went into coles, it was as if my legs was soak into ice water... i was freezing... like as if my ah dear hug me... i took the bread and quickly got out of coles...

Went with min hui to Qut as he had a interview with isadora who was doing a research on international student... i had mine done and i received a $5 bookshop voucher from her... went to the library to do some reading while waiting for him... in the end i fall asleep while waiting for him hahaha!

Then we went to Big W as min hui wanted to buy a track shoe... went to Broadway to eat the $3.80 after lunch carbonara pasta... i was in a quandary as to whether to eat the pasta cause i already had 2 of my chocolate and nut bar which is not filling... in the end i decided to come back again later and if the store is still open, i will eat it...

After which i went to the Office Work shop to get my notes printed, i ask the store assistant how much it is to print from a thumdrive... Guess what the store assistant said " it is $5.80 to access the thumdrive and $0.50 to open a file and to print you it is $0.10 per page" DAYLIGHT ROBBERY!!!! i got a shock of my life!! i have to pay $6++ even before i print my notes!!

Bought a 5 files before i left the daily light robbery shop... luckily the files was cheap... One $1.20 and the rest is $0.70... went back to Broadway and the shop hasn't close yet... hahaha i got to my my carbonara pasta... i save up the sauce for tonights dinner...
Got home and saw yen pa, who told us that we got the job of cleaning the house as the pervious person is not doing a good job... yeahhh!!! going to have extra cash to spend liao...
Made baked potato on carbonara sauce top with mozzarelle cheese for dinner... it was fantastic!!! hahaha!!! i got the talent!! hhahaha!!! nice time must make for ah dear but too bad she don't eat cheese... hai...

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